Android is a mobile OS and mostly frequently used with specific software that requires mobile applications. It is frequently installed in vehicle mounted computers or warehousing PCs. Windows is the most prolific desktop OS holding 82.7% of market share (Desktop Operating System Market Share Worldwide, 2018). The third option available for industrial computers is Linux OS. So, which operating system is right for your business?
Windows is in use worldwide on a high majority of desktop applications. There are many benefits to using a Windows OS. It supports most of the software that is used across a range of industries everywhere in the world. It also has drivers for most peripherals and makes it easy to connect accessories such as printers, scanners, keyboards, cameras and microphones. It is available in several versions including Windows 10, Windows 8 and Windows 7 offered in Pro and embedded options.
Linux is another desktop operating system option for industrial computers. Being an open-source OS, Linux provides a high level of flexibility and customisation. Linux is an advanced solution for specific requirements that can be precisely configured for a target business or application.
Android OS is very well known by mobile application users around the world, making it a popular choice for industrial computers. Android can run a wide selection of software and supports a variety of accessories however it is not particularly powerful for desktop systems and some of the applications have limited functionality compared to desktop software. For this reason, Android is most often used for tablets and in-vehicle computers with smaller screen sizes.
STX Technology offers all of the above operating systems to choose from when purchasing an industrial computer from us. Our Team are always happy to discuss your requirements and guide you through the process.
Thinking about purchasing an Industrial Computer? Make sure to check out STX Technology’s complete guide covering performance, application, operating system, environment, space, mounting, power and connectivity.